

"Thanks very much for the email. It certainly was a fantastic week for a number of reasons and one that again proved to me the power of goal setting! One of the long term goals that you and I set together 5 years ago was to win the Australian PGA by 2013 - unfortunately I was 1 spot out!!!! Anyway, thanks again for all of your help."

"I'm writing to let you know how much I appreciated the PGA seminar you conducted. During the seminar you had me demonstrate the "Circle of Excellence" technique to the class. In the final part of the technique you asked me to focus my thoughts on playing well in a future round of golf , and I chose our next Order of Merit event. On the day your techniques for getting into the zone helped me prepare mentally before the game and I felt comfortable and confident. After the first five holes I was four under par, and I found my thoughts wandering to the end result - making a speech and accepting the prize. This unsettling thought process has always been my downfall in similar situations in the past. However, by using your pre-shot routine it took any inward pressure away that I started to put on myself. The round was rock solid all the way, hitting 16 out of 18 greens in regulation, shooting my best ever score of 6 under par 66, and I felt I did it easy! I can't wait to play my next competition! I am sure this game of golf will keep me grounded, however I truly believe I have made a quantum leap. Thank you Jeff!"

"After a series of Sportsmind lectures from Jeffrey Hodges, feedback from participants not only confirmed the club's expectations but exceeded them. At least half the team members have significantly improved their performance over the past six months, with many winning individual events; half the Pennant team being selected in the Victorian State Squad, and most players having dropped at least one shot off their handicap."

"After a series of Sportsmind lectures from Jeffrey Hodges, feedback from participants not only confirmed the club's expectations but exceeded them. At least half the team members have significantly improved their performance over the past six months, with many winning individual events; half the Pennant team being selected in the Victorian State Squad, and most players having dropped at least one shot off their handicap."

"Jeffrey Hodges conducted workshops as part of the PGA's professional development program ..... the workshops were designed to assist our members who are coaching players of all abilities improve their methods and incorporate psychological aspects into their methodologies. The workshops were most successful with member feedback indicating that Jeffrey was well able to adapt theoretical principles into highly practical and user friendly concepts. Attendees walked away with a number of practical tools they could utilise immediately with their players. Many PGA members utilise Jeffrey's methods for their teaching and also for their own tournament play. Jeffrey's sessions on Visualisation were especially commented upon, and the PGA was very satisfied with the program."

"The Sportsmind series of lectures conducted by Jeffrey were of great benefit to our players. His enthusiasm in the presentations made the students really sit up and take notice of his message. The sessions were effective in getting our students focused on what they wanted to achieve and more positive in their practice and competitions. I recommend Sportsmind to any golfer looking to improve their mental skills."

"I want to offer my sincere gratitude for your help, your insight, your knowledge and your enthusiasm. I've learned how my mind works, how it has worked, how it should work, but most importantly how I want it to work. Of all the books, tapes, videos, magazines or courses that I have seen on golf, Sportsmind is the first to show me how and give me impetus to leap from good amateur to a professional."

"Thank you Jeffrey for a great course. I really feel that it will have a huge impact on my future, not only in my golfing career but also in my everyday life as well. Congratulations, you are an amazing person!"

"I came. I discovered, and I found! And things that I didn't even think were possible! Thankyou Jeffrey."

" Sportsmind Mental Mastery is the edge. Never a dull moment. After completing it I feel so confident and focused about my future. So many opportunities have developed. Thanks Jeffrey."

"Jeffrey, thank you so much for such an inspirational course, I have learned so much in the five days of being here. My attitude has changed so much, I am a more confident and happy person who now definitely knows what goals I want to achieve and how to achieve them in a more positive way."

"Jeffrey's Mental Mastery program has changed my views on sport - and life. I highly recommend it to everyone."

"If you've ever thought that a significant amount of your sport depends on the mental aspect then Sportsmind has the tools for you to work with. Jeffrey's Mental Mastery workshops allows you to view yourself and your sport in ways particularly advantageous in gaining that competitive edge over your rivals. If you want to be the best and achieve your highest potential then the Sportsmind Mental Mastery course will provide you with the tools to succeed."

"Inspiring - a great read and I am currently doing the six week training program."

"Very interesting session. I will use most of this with advanced groups in the near future."

"A worthwhile and informative seminar."

"The session with Jeff was excellent, and his style of teaching is results oriented."

"I enjoyed the workshop and my abilities as a coach and player have been enhanced."

"The Peak Performance program was a great experience for me. I enjoyed the practical exercises on how to visualise effectively, and I will be definitely putting those skills into practice."

"It's taken me a lot of years to acquire just some of the skills you taught in the Peak Performance program. What a difference it would make if all our young people could be exposed to these skills! I hope I have the opportunity to work with you again soon. A BIG Thankyou!"

"The Sportsmind Peak Performance weekend took my understanding of sport psychology to a much deeper level. The practical tools that I learned enabled me to fully realise my potential."

"The Sportsmind High Achievement workshop opened my eyes to the purpose of visualisation and relaxation, both in my golf and life."

"I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for giving me access to your Sportsmind program and taking the time to genuinely guide me with enthusiasm on the road to success. As I have had exposure in the past to various methods of personal development and sport psychology, I am very confident in saying that the Sportsmind material and format is the only one of its kind in Australia and I feel very privileged to have been exposed to your infectious attitude and passion for helping people achieve their dreams. Personally I feel as though I have now been equipped with skills that allow me to handle the intricacies of a very mentally demanding game, making me a much more fierce and consistent competitor, for which I am eternally grateful. We have discussed several times the background behind the program that you are justifiably so proud of today and I wish you all the best in the future as I am sure that you will continue to be highly sought after and utilised in the sporting world."

"I have used Sportsmind techniques for over 12 months and with no other coaching have dropped my handicap from 13 to 7. Jeff's coaching and techniques are simply the best, and I recommend Sportsmind to any aspiring athlete."

"Recently I reached the quarter finals of the Victorian Amateur Golf Championship for the first time and also won the Club Championship at the Metropolitan Golf Club, and believe that the exercises I have been doing from your most recent and fantastic book 'Champion Thoughts, Champion Feelings' has contributed to those successes."

"The Sportsmind course is about getting what you want from your life. You can achieve anything you want, and Jeff's program shows you how! Professional, enjoyable, practical and most of all, effective!'

"Since studying Sportsmind, I've reduced my golf handicap from 12 to 8!"

"Since attending your workshop my handicap has dropped from 23 to 16! I look forward to reducing it even more."

" Great! The very best book I've read on sport and the mind. "

" Great book! I am applying it in life as well. "

"The best synthesis of mental training ideas I have read - and the most practical!"

"Excellent book! A great explanation for anyone involved in sports performance enhancement."

"Sportsmind is something I've been looking for for quite some time. Using the Sportsmind techniques I've improved my handicap by ten shots! It's a great book, and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to improve."

"After listening to your tape regularly over the past few weeks, I have really noticed a big difference in not only the way I am playing, but also the way I am thinking around the course. I feel much more confident, and very much in control of my feelings and emotions, and my concentration level is very high. Thank you very much for giving me what I feel is a competitive edge over my future opponents (and myself)."

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