
Other Sports

"I practice a skill over and over even if I am afraid of it. Soon enough, the fear starts to fade and is replaced by certainty and confidence. It takes courage and discipline to want to be better than I am today. It takes careful planning, trust in my decisions and plain hard work. I will always challenge myself a step further than my competitors. This is what it takes."

"Jeff, you are great. Great in the sense that you can inspire people. Why? Because you are inspired. It comes from your commitment, inner conviction, deep sincerity and gentle humane respectfulness to others. You are also a rare human being and I only wish we had more people like you on planet Earth. May you be blessed to continue this great work for many more years to come."

"Thanks again! Your session for our crew was GREAT - we won the Nationals!"

"As someone who has competed at an elite level for over ten years, I have learnt many skills physically and mentally which work to optimise performance. However I think it has only been in the last few years of my career in the sport of Springboard Diving that I have truly began to understand and utilise mental training techniques for training and competition. It has become undeniably clear to me that no matter how hard you prepare yourself physically, if you don't understand and invest in mental training your full potential will remain unlocked.

Jeffrey Hodges and his Sportsmind program taught me invaluable skills in mental training. I also attended the Coaching Excellence Conference last year which was both educational and inspiring. Jeffrey breaks down his theories and techniques into such easily understandable and undeniable clarity that I found I came out the other side of the two day conference with a complete positive change of headspace, which I have managed to bring to my training and competitions this year.

I recently competed in the FINA Diving Grand Prix in Spain and won a silver medal - my most significant result to date. Earlier this year I also achieved a personal best score at the Australian Open Championships. I honestly believe that without the focus I have put on mental training through the Sportsmind program and the concepts I gained from the Coaching Excellence Conference I would not have improved my diving anywhere near as much, and I would not have achieved my most exciting results.

Any athlete or coach who is serious about excelling in their sport, must invest in mental training. As the standard of all sports internationally progresses an open mind in essential in finding new ways to improve. Mental training is the key, and one that is too often underestimated. The Sportsmind program and the Coaching Excellence Conferences are revolutionary in mental training and will, without question, significantly improve performance in any sport."

"Jeff you have given me some very useful tools – your sports hypnosis course is highly recommended for any sportsperson. I am looking forward to the future. Training he mind is one of the keys for achievement – the last key I have been looking for. Thanky you very much."

“Thanks for all your help this year, it shows in my riding and comps. I would recommend and I have recommended to others in my field that what ever your sporting field that you take advantage of the Sportsmind course - it changed my attitude toward myself and my sport, allowing me to learn quicker, ride better and view my competitions in a level achievable frame of mind. Even when tired from competing, training and travelling I have been able to stay motivated, this is something I struggled with in the past, now I leave a show and can't wait to get home to start planning and training for the next one. Again thanks. I owe a few good trainers thanks this year but with out this help from Jeffery to start me off, I would not have achieved so much.”

"I have found over the years that Sportsmind has given me the tools to make some fantastic changes and achieve great results that have enhanced both my career and my life. Elite athletes need elite minded support to consistently achieve extraordinary results and I believe Sportsmind can offer you the skills to put you in control. If you are an elite athlete or anyone wanting to live your life at an extraordinary level I recommend working with Sportsmind. I believe in it so much I am now learning more about the techniques used to benefit my coaching as well."

"I've been coaching for 8 years, and I've been to many seminars on mental training for elite athletes. The Sportsmind lecture which I and my elite athletes attended was the first that really went into depth ....... My athletes trained harder the day after the lecture, and every session since. I highly recommend Jeffrey Hodges and his Sportsmind lectures are a must for anyone aspiring to more successful sports performance."

"Jeffrey, your Sportsmind training program takes sports psychology to a level that I didn’t know existed. My expectations were to learn mental skills that would help me perform better. Not only have I achieved this, but I now know myself at a different level. I have analyzed all the aspects that make up me: my thoughts, emotions, beliefs and values. I have learned to take control over them, empowering me to shape my own future. Many thanks"

"Even though we have not made contact for quite a while, I am still an energetic netball coach following your Sportsmind advice and direction, and our club has gone from strength to strength mainly due to your teachings...... Yesterday I received an O.A.M. which I must state was mainly due to your advice re coaching. Again, Jeffrey, I must say thank you."

"Course was great - all sessions were great - I haven't stopped telling everyone I know about it, "getting in the zone" etc..."

"The Sportsmind conference gave an insight into usable mental skill techniques with an addition of an introduction into how to use attentional focus to improve performance. The sessions were leading edge, linking the body to the mind with the emphasis on getting the most out of both."

"I recommend the Sportsmind conference for other coaches - it opens up some new avenues and reinforces your confidence. I am sure the knowledge I picked up will benefit our program through my daily work."

"I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 day seminar and have come away from it with a new outlook on my coaching. I have been inspired to get the most out of my athletes both physically and mentally and am more willing to try and extend them in these realms."

"Very enjoyable two days. Re-inforced some areas and opened up a number of others.."

"Outstanding book!"

"Visualisation really works! After attending Jeffrey's Sportsmind seminar, instead of extra training I lay on a beach visualising, and improved dramatically to win the Champion Lady Rider at Royal Melbourne Show! Way to go!"

"Doing Mental Mastery was one of the best decisions I've ever made. The techniques Jeffrey uses are so powerful and the changes I have made have left my mind and body free to progress to greatness. I recommend this course to any and every athlete, no matter what level. It has opened my eyes to the natural strategies of champions - one's we all have within us. Thankyou Jeffrey!"

"Visualisation, mental rehearsal and positive mental attitude ..... I took what I learned at the Sportsmind workshops and applied it through our recent Netball finals, and was awarded best on court! Thanks Jeff!"

"Excellent! I've never come across a book of this standard before."

"An enlightening course which engulfs the essential mental skills required by lawn bowls players from club activities up to State and National Level competition."

"My sessions with Jeffrey have taught me how to ask myself the right questions. I now know how to use my self talk and mind to get exactly what I want in my life. I believe his work can make a great difference in any area of your life!"

"Champion Thoughts, Champion Feelings is tremendous! It has already helped me with my coaching, and left me looking to learn more."

"My archery has really taken off since the Sportsmind seminar. It gave me a new vision and showed me where I really want to be, and I am well on track. I set my goals for next year, and beat them all at the start of this year! When I was younger I used to be at the top as a junior, and I was quite high as a senior as well, but only in the top 20. Now I have leaped into the top 10! I have shot scores that I have been trying for for a long time, and doing them when it matters as well. I shot at the World University Championships in Madrid, I qualified 16th which I was very happy with, but I knew I could to better. Then came the knock out matches and I stormed through them, drawing with the number one seed. Unfortunately in a 1 arrow shoot off he just beat me. But I shot personal bests all the way through and decimated my other opponents. If I was against anyone else on that field except the no.1 I would have managed to get a medal. Never the less, I am over the moon with my 9th place. This got me sponsorship from a bow manufacturer and has also set me up for shooting at the World Student Games in Turkey next year! Also over this year I won the EuroNations even held in Ireland. And have also qualified for the Senior GB Team for 2005 (subject to a Round Robin next year). This will take me to Poland and Belgium for European matches and Madrid for the Senior World Champs. Thank you for all your help! "

"This book is an adventure. I felt as helpless as a piece of paper in the whirlwind of the author's enthusiasm but, when I eventually came to earth, some important perceptions had changed." Thank you for all your help! "

"This book is an adventure. I felt as helpless as a piece of paper in the whirlwind of the author's enthusiasm but, when I eventually came to earth, some important perceptions had changed." Thank you for all your help! "

"I love your books - they are full of ideas which are practical and easy to use."

"Two weeks after reading 'Champion Thoughts, Champion Feelings' and starting the exercises, it produced my highest score and first win for the season. Looking forward to using the audio tapes and further knowledge to continue this improvement. Thankyou!"

"Jeffrey Hodges undertook a series of workshops for Caloundra State High School Sports Excellence Program. His preparation and delivery was excellent as was the rapport with the student body, and the HPE department wholeheartedly endorses him and his Sportsmind program."

"I like Jeffrey's Sportsmind programs because he has thought through what he teaches in great detail. He has paid attention to the important skills that make a differences in improving your own and others' performances. At the same time, what he teaches is easy and simple to apply."

"Jeffrey Hodges spoke at our Awards Night, and gave the key address on the evening. The audience response was extremely positive - students, teachers and parents all commented that it was the best address they had heard at an Awards Night, as Jeffrey was highly motivating and pitched his presentation at the right level."

"I originally planned to attend the Sportsmind Coaching Excellence course to improve my coaching techniques .... however, since attending as well as improving my communication awareness I have changed my competition goals, and through using Jeff's visualisation and other techniques have improved my own riding performance."

"I cannot believe that we managed to fit so much into the three days of Sportsmind - Sports Hypnosis! The workshop provided interesting slants on techniques which were well explained, demonstrated, and practised. Jeff's grip and understanding of how to gather only the very best Hypnosis, NLP and Psychotherapy tools together and improve on them is enormous. His teaching and communication skills made sure we all learned the maximum from him, and left the course ready to apply the techniques to our sporting clients."

" I found SPORTSMIND motivating, positive and practical. I won the District Singles Competition this year, and I attribute this success, in part, to SPORTSMIND. "

" It has everything that I've been looking for! "

"Your clinic was the best course I've ever done!"

" Jeffrey Hodges has presented sports seminars for the Dept. Sport & Recreation on a number of occasions. To date, over 400 people have attended the seminars, but it is not so much the number of participants as the quality of the presentations which has been the standout feature of each lecture tour. I have been very impressed by Jeffrey's presentation skills and his professionalism, and have found a similar response from participants in the evaluations I've conducted on the seminars. "

" I thought you'd like to know about my latest successes - the umpires' award for Best on Court in State League B, and an invitation to join the Victorian Women's Cricket training squad. I'd like to thank you for your assistance in helping me achieve - or rather exceed - my goals set at the first seminar I attended last year. Without the seminars I wouldn't have been as focused on achieving my goals, or have believed them achievable. "

" I'm not one to be easily impressed, but in a very short space of time my involvement with Sportsmind has had a profound effect on my sport, and life in general. I am in awe of what other positive effects it is yet to bring! "

" I would recommend this SPORTSMIND course to others with no hesitation. At the end of the night I was more motivated and had much more idea of how the mind can help sports performance than ever before. "

" This book has already given me the edge. "

" The areas Jeff has covered with the athletes are:
- Positive Motivation and Sports Goals
- Positive Self Image and Confidence
- Concentration and Anxiety Management
- Visualisation

These areas have been a great help to my athletes in attaining their goals, and are very helpful to the boys in other areas beside sport. Jeff has terrific rapport with teenagers who respond well to his work. He is very professional and to the point without going over the top. I have been very happy with the workshops Jeff has run, and I would recommend him to any coach involved with teenagers. "

" Interesting, informative, and has helped improve my sport, work, and family life. "

" Magic! The best I've found! "

" I've been enjoying great success with your visualisation exercises for Bowls. I won my first club competition and now have my name on the board, which was a goal! "

" I've been enjoying great success with your visualisation exercises for Bowls. I won my first club competition and now have my name on the board, which was a goal! "

" This book has started me on the pathway of mental mastery on my way to Atlanta. Thankyou!! "

" It works great! "

" Very helpful with mental skills required to improve performance. "

" Totally awesome book! Just brilliant! "

" It gave me a motivational boost at a time of need. "

" Enjoyed your book enormously - commenced program. "

" Great book! "

" I competed at Orange's official Dressage competition, and before the warm-up I sat down and visualised myself riding the test and each movement well. The result: 1st place in the preliminary with the highest score I have ever scored, and 3rd place in the novice. As you can see this technique has been very successful for me. "

" I am recommending Sportsmind to all my advanced pupils. "

" I've found SPORTSMIND beneficial not only to my cricket but to my life in general. I've achieved improvement of over 400% on my performances compared to the previous year! "

" Excellent! Thought provoking. "

" If the training seminars recently conducted are any indication, the Sportsmind program is a must for anyone looking for new ways to improve their sporting performance. "

"Very interesting and informative and set out in a way which is easy to read."

"Your clinic was the best course I've ever done!"

"Content extremely valuable on both a professional and personal level."

"Very personable. Great content!"

"Excellent ideas, very powerful tools."

" Very useful. Clearly and powerfully presented at a practical level."

"Thankyou for the helpful techniques I learned at the two workshops. I feel my attitude has changed so much since attending, now I am excited about what I can achieve and I think so many more people in my sport would benefit from the information you can give."

"Your course was incredibly helpful, and has influenced my move to the next stage in my career as a dancer. You have touched everybody in the class - thank you!"

"Very personable. Excellent content. GREAT!"

"Love it! Re-inforces everything I've taught myself! Where can I get a copy of the book?!"

"I found your tape on Concentration just terrific!"

"It's good to re-inforce some of the techniques I've been using. Inspirational stuff!"

"Terrific! I'm really fired up to succeed!"

"I appreciated the presentation, and extremely well delivered. Content was great - even my twelve year old son said it was a fantastic learning experience. Your 'positive bubble' exercise is a life changing concept!"

"Visualisation really works! After attending Jeffrey's Sportsmind seminar, instead of extra training I lay on a beach visualising, and improved dramatically to win the Champion Lady Rider at Royal Melbourne Show! Way to go!"

"Visualisation, mental rehearsal and positive mental attitude ..... I took what I learned at the Sportsmind workshops and applied it through our recent Netball finals, and was awarded best on court! Thanks Jeff!"

"It was really worthwhile. A fantastic experience that will help me always in everything that I do."

"Fantastic opportunity for the girls to learn, understand and manage the emotional and 'mind' constraints that affect them in a sporting arena and in general. Some great 'take-away' techniques that the girls can immediately benefit from and build upon."

"The three sessions were very valuable for our girls and were focused on the needs of our players - the practical techniques led straight to their sporting needs to enhance their performance. I was impressed with the input and presentation and its relativity to our Netball players. Well done!"

"Many people/coaches have told me to change the way I think about how I perform. Until now, no-one had told me how to do this. Now I can, Thank you so much!"

" Excellent stuff Jeffrey - you're a legend! "

"This is a fantastic book and I recommend it to every sportsperson I know!"

"Thankyou for your input to our Junior Surf Sports Camp. The comments from those attending your vibrant sessions were very positive. I know the benefits to all the young people you spoke to will not be restricted to just their sporting achievements, but in their careers and privately as well."

"This book has already given me the edge."

"Excellent! I've never come across a book of this standard before."

"I thought you'd like to know about my latest successes - the umpires' award for Best on Court in State League B, and an invitation to join the Victorian Women's Cricket training squad. I'd like to thank you for your assistance in helping me achieve - or rather exceed - my goals set at the first seminar I attended last year. Without the seminars I wouldn't have been as focused on achieving my goals, or have believed them achievable."

"Through Sportsmind my mental game has improved out of sight, and I have already had some big wins because of it. Thank you !"

"Magic! The best I've found!"

"Thankyou for the helpful techniques I learned at the two workshops. I feel my attitude has changed so much since attending, now I am excited about what I can achieve and I think so many more people in my sport would benefit from the information you can give."

"This book has started me on the pathway of mental mastery on my way to Atlanta. Thankyou!"

"The areas Jeff has covered with the athletes are:
- Positive Motivation and Sports Goals
- Positive Self Image and Confidence
- Concentration and Anxiety Management
- Visualisation
These areas have been a great help to my athletes in attaining their goals, and are very helpful to the boys in other areas beside sport. Jeff has terrific rapport with teenagers who respond well to his work. He is very professional and to the point without going over the top. I have been very happy with the workshops Jeff has run, and I would recommend him to any coach involved with teenagers."

"Totally awesome book! Just brilliant!"

"Very personable. Excellent content. GREAT!"

"Wonderful concepts, with enormous potential application particularly with junior sports people."

"I found your tape on Concentration just terrific!"

"I found your tape on Concentration just terrific!"

"Terrific! I'm really fired up to succeed!"

"I appreciated the presentation, and extremely well delivered. Content was great - even my twelve year old son said it was a fantastic learning experience. Your 'positive bubble' exercise is a life changing concept!"

" Very useful. Clearly and powerfully presented at a practical level."

"Very well presented and informative. Related well to sports specific, pre-competition, competition, and post-competition preparation. Very useful."

"Very, very interesting and relevant to my coaching state league."

" I am recommending Sportsmind to all my advanced pupils. "

"I've been enjoying great success with your visualisation exercises for Bowls. I won my first club competition and now have my name on the board, which was a goal!"

" Excellent! Thought provoking. "

" If the training seminars recently conducted are any indication, the Sportsmind program is a must for anyone looking for new ways to improve their sporting performance. "

"Very interesting and informative and set out in a way which is easy to read."

"Your clinic was the best course I've ever done!"

"Content extremely valuable on both a professional and personal level."

"Very personable. Great content!"

"Excellent ideas, very powerful tools."

" Very useful. Clearly and powerfully presented at a practical level."

"Thankyou for the helpful techniques I learned at the two workshops. I feel my attitude has changed so much since attending, now I am excited about what I can achieve and I think so many more people in my sport would benefit from the information you can give."

"Your course was incredibly helpful, and has influenced my move to the next stage in my career as a dancer. You have touched everybody in the class - thank you!"

"Very personable. Excellent content. GREAT!"

"Love it! Re-inforces everything I've taught myself! Where can I get a copy of the book?!"

"I found your tape on Concentration just terrific!"

"It's good to re-inforce some of the techniques I've been using. Inspirational stuff!"

"Terrific! I'm really fired up to succeed!"

"I appreciated the presentation, and extremely well delivered. Content was great - even my twelve year old son said it was a fantastic learning experience. Your 'positive bubble' exercise is a life changing concept!"

"Visualisation really works! After attending Jeffrey's Sportsmind seminar, instead of extra training I lay on a beach visualising, and improved dramatically to win the Champion Lady Rider at Royal Melbourne Show! Way to go!"

"Visualisation, mental rehearsal and positive mental attitude ..... I took what I learned at the Sportsmind workshops and applied it through our recent Netball finals, and was awarded best on court! Thanks Jeff!"

"It was really worthwhile. A fantastic experience that will help me always in everything that I do."

"Fantastic opportunity for the girls to learn, understand and manage the emotional and 'mind' constraints that affect them in a sporting arena and in general. Some great 'take-away' techniques that the girls can immediately benefit from and build upon."

"Many people/coaches have told me to change the way I think about how I perform. Until now, no-one had told me how to do this. Now I can, Thank you so much!"

" Excellent stuff Jeffrey - you're a legend! "

"This is a fantastic book and I recommend it to every sportsperson I know!"

"Thankyou for your input to our Junior Surf Sports Camp. The comments from those attending your vibrant sessions were very positive. I know the benefits to all the young people you spoke to will not be restricted to just their sporting achievements, but in their careers and privately as well."

"Excellent! I've never come across a book of this standard before."

"Through Sportsmind my mental game has improved out of sight, and I have already had some big wins because of it. Thank you !"

"Magic! The best I've found!"

"This book has started me on the pathway of mental mastery on my way to Atlanta. Thankyou!"

"Totally awesome book! Just brilliant!"

"Enjoyed your book enormously - commenced program."

" If the training seminars recently conducted are any indication, the Sportsmind program is a must for anyone looking for new ways to improve their sporting performance. "

"Excellent ideas, very powerful tools."

"Thankyou for the helpful techniques I learned at the two workshops. I feel my attitude has changed so much since attending, now I am excited about what I can achieve and I think so many more people in my sport would benefit from the information you can give."

"Your course was incredibly helpful, and has influenced my move to the next stage in my career as a dancer. You have touched everybody in the class - thank you!"

"Love it! Re-inforces everything I've taught myself! Where can I get a copy of the book?!"

Excellent! I enjoyed the workshop and your book, and have learned many techniques to help in improving sports performance.""Thoroughly enjoyable and a great learning experience. Keep up the good work!"

"It was really worthwhile. A fantastic experience that will help me always in everything that I do."

"Fantastic opportunity for the girls to learn, understand and manage the emotional and 'mind' constraints that affect them in a sporting arena and in general. Some great 'take-away' techniques that the girls can immediately benefit from and build upon."

"The three sessions were very valuable for our girls and were focused on the needs of our players - the practical techniques led straight to their sporting needs to enhance their performance. I was impressed with the input and presentation and its relativity to our Netball players. Well done!"

"Excellent! I've never come across a book of this standard before."

"Through Sportsmind my mental game has improved out of sight, and I have already had some big wins because of it. Thank you !"

"The areas Jeff has covered with the athletes are:
- Positive Motivation and Sports Goals
- Positive Self Image and Confidence
- Concentration and Anxiety Management
- Visualisation
These areas have been a great help to my athletes in attaining their goals, and are very helpful to the boys in other areas beside sport. Jeff has terrific rapport with teenagers who respond well to his work. He is very professional and to the point without going over the top. I have been very happy with the workshops Jeff has run, and I would recommend him to any coach involved with teenagers."

"Very personable. Excellent content. GREAT!"

"Wonderful concepts, with enormous potential application particularly with junior sports people."

"I found your tape on Concentration just terrific!"

"Terrific! I'm really fired up to succeed!"

"I appreciated the presentation, and extremely well delivered. Content was great - even my twelve year old son said it was a fantastic learning experience. Your 'positive bubble' exercise is a life changing concept!"

" Very useful. Clearly and powerfully presented at a practical level."

"Very well presented and informative. Related well to sports specific, pre-competition, competition, and post-competition preparation. Very useful."

"Very, very interesting and relevant to my coaching state league."

" I am recommending Sportsmind to all my advanced pupils. "

"I've been enjoying great success with your visualisation exercises for Bowls. I won my first club competition and now have my name on the board, which was a goal!"

"It works great!"

"Very helpful with mental skills required to improve performance."

" Excellent! Thought provoking. "

"Very interesting and informative and set out in a way which is easy to read."

"Content extremely valuable on both a professional and personal level."

"Excellent ideas, very powerful tools."

Excellent! I enjoyed the workshop and your book, and have learned many techniques to help in improving sports performance."

"Your Sportsmind book has helped me so much with my clients. I would love to be involved with the teacher training."

" It gave me a motivational boost at a time of need. "

" Two bowlers have excelled since your SPORTSMIND clinics. Kelly won Gold and Silver medals in international competitions, and Ian won the Qld State Masters Event at the State Championships. "

" Interesting, informative, and has helped improve my sport, work, and family life. "

" I've found SPORTSMIND beneficial not only to my cricket but to my life in general. I've achieved improvement of over 400% on my performances compared to the previous year! "

"Love it! Re-inforces everything I've taught myself! Where can I get a copy of the book?!"

"It's good to re-inforce some of the techniques I've been using. Inspirational stuff!"

"The Sportsmind workshop was really worthwhile. A fantastic experience that will help me always in everything that I do."

"Your Sportsmind workshops were a fantastic opportunity for the girls to learn, understand and manage the emotional and 'mind' constraints that affect them in a sporting arena and in general. Some great 'take-away' techniques that the girls can immediately benefit from and build upon."

"Many people/coaches have told me to change the way I think about how I perform. Until now, no-one had told me how to do this. Now I can, Thank you so much!"

" I would recommend this SPORTSMIND course to others with no hesitation. At the end of the night I was more motivated and had much more idea of how the mind can help sports performance than ever before. "

" Great book! "

" SPORTSMIND is highly beneficial to sports men and women, and combined with the professionalism of Jeffrey Hodges, I commend SPORTSMIND to any organisation wishing to gain the competitive edge. "

" Excellent stuff Jeffrey - you're a legend! "

" Interesting. I have used some of the info on those I coach. "

"I'm not one to be easily impressed, but in a very short space of time my involvement with Sportsmind has had a profound effect on my sport, and life in general. I'm in awe of what other positive effects it is yet to bring!"

"I've been waiting impatiently for an authoritative Sports NLP approach. Champion Thoughts, Champion Feelings has been an inspirational read. I'm excited and eager to learn more!"

"Being a level 3 cricket coach I'm always on the lookout for new ways to improve performance."

"An empowering, informative book full of enthusiastic, positive ideas which can be transformed into practical applications. Thankyou!"

"Very Interesting!"

"Very informative, fascinating, easy to understand and well put together."

"A welcome find - well written and practical."

"Great book Jeffrey! Relevance universal and not limited to sportspeople only. Excellent!"

"I arrived with excitement and I departed with excitement plus som much more. The only was to find out is to come and see, listen and feel magic in action!"

"The Sportsmind-NLP Practitioner training is a professional program with highly motivated and enthusiastic trainers who make learning easy and enjoyable. The theory and practical exercises can be applied to real life situations working in practice with athletes and coaches. The course was fun and informative and was well worth travelling the 12,000 miles from the UK to Brisbane! I thoroughly recommend it."

"I was having trouble focusing on my goals for racing. Your book has helped smooth out the road, now I can focus again."

As a teacher and volleyball coach for over 25 years, I found the Sportsmind course a wonderful learning experience of immense benefit to my teaching and coaching. The concepts and techniques are extremely powerful and I'm looking at all areas of my life from a new and exciting perspective. The course was enjoyable, challenging and jam-packed with great practical ideas and performance enhancing techniques. The knowledge, principles and skills of Sportsmind were quite profound, yet within the grasp of any serious athlete or coach to achieve powerful improvements in performance."

"The visualisation exercises were really worthwhile - a powerful resource that I have not used enough."

"The High Achievement weekend was thoroughly inspirational - the visualisation techniques, common sense ways of looking at life's ups and downs, and how to make the most of them were presented in a professional and well thought out manner. I recommend Sportsmind workshops to any serious athlete or trainer."

"This has been an inspiring two days! The Sportsmind High Achievement course has been most beneficial to me, and I have developed and refined new skills which will make the process of achieving my goals easier. I am now a more confident and motivated athlete. Thankyou!"

"The Sportsmind Peak Performance weekend was great, and gave me some fresh and powerful tools to help me come out firing!"

"The High Achievement weekend was brilliant! It taught me heaps and helped me get motivated towards my main goal."

"The course has enabled me to become aware of the power I behold in my self. We can make a difference to our lives, and so can Sportsmind."

"Jeff, your workshops are great and I have learned so much in one week of Mental Mastery! They are so inspiring! Best of luck in the years to come."

"Thankyou so much for the opportunity to attend these fantastic Sportsmind workshops. In just one short week of Mental Mastery you have had a major impact on not only my sports career but on my whole life. The techniques I have learned here I know will help me to reach another level. You've made me realise that anyone can do anything, and for this I am forever grateful."

"The Sportsmind High Achievement program has helped to confirm my goals and offered a practical means of achieving them."

"The Mental Mastery program has been very inspirational to me, helping me overcome my problems."

"The Sportsmind Peak Performance course was of great benefit and helped me to understand my thinking and how to improve on it."

"With your guidance, kind persuasion and amazing expertise I have blossomed overnight into the human being I have always had the potential to be. My friends and family all comment daily on the obvious changes in my focused attitude and positive self image."

"In your seminar I felt reassured about the power of visualisation in anchoring my goals and ways to manage my unconscious mind."

"Trust Jeffrey Hodges, he is genuine and sincere."

"This course integrates existing NLP, adds new dimensions and techniques, and allowed me to know I am a great coach."

"Unmissable if you want to develop the mindset of a champion."

"Whether you have previous knowledge of NLP or not, this course can set you up for a higher level of performance. It gave me extra tools to improve my own performance as well as others that I train."

"An excellent experience and a truly inspirational five days. I discovered greater depth in Jeffrey's teaching to my existing knowledge in these areas. He teaches in a way that inspires and holds your attention and equips you with tool not just for sport, but for life."

"A really valuable and beneficial course for me both professionally and for my sporting endeavours. Jeffrey has an immense wealth of knowledge and experience and presents it in a very practical, 'user friendly' way. His humour and entertaining teaching style made it a fun, as well as very worthwhile, experience..

"Having previous exposure to a number of the concepts I was astounded at the effectiveness of the mental Sportsmind mental training program. I experienced the most significant improvements I have ever achieved while increasing the enjoyment I was able to receive from bouldering. I fully believe in the power of the Sportsmind program."

"Jeffrey, your Mental Mastery course has changed my life. I have found my goal, I feel more confident. The only problem is that I didn't find your course sooner!"

"Wow, what a mind-blowing course! Sportsmind has so many tools for athletes and individuals for personal development, and I am so pleased and excited that I have undertaken this amazing course. If you feel the need to see more of your potential, know this course can help to fulfil and expand your own dreams."

"When I first came here I had no idea how much I was allowing other people to shape my decisions and ideas rather than controlling my own destiny. You've shown me how to find where I am going, and you've given me a roadmap to help me get there. Thankyou."

"Mental Mastery provides incredibly valuable exercises to apply to life - confronting and uplifting. This course should most definitely be taught in schools!"

"I want to congratulate you on such a wonderful and inspiring course - I never thought it possible to learn so much in just two days of Mental Mastery. I made my mum and my sister do one of the visualisation exercises and I'm now teaching my sister how to set goals for herself in life and gain more self confidence."

"Sportsmind Coaching Excellence is simply a MUST for every coach! If you want to understand how to mentally and emotionally prepare your athletes for elite performance, then do this course. It has combined the very best ideas from numerous reliable sources into a practical program of instruction that provides immediate, easy to use techniques and strategies for enhancing motivation, goal achievement, confidence building, visualisation, positive attitude, and most importantly emotion management. Thanks Jeffrey for a fantastic learning experience."

"When I attended my first Sportsmind workshop, I had an impossible coaching/business dream of teaching equestrian with English language support to international students. By the end of the course, after working through a series of visualisation and goal setting exercises with lots of positive feedback and support, I was focused on achieving that dream. Two years later, after achieving and then exceeding these goals, I attended another workshop and have come away with goals far higher than I ever thought possible ....."

"Thankyou for sending your Sportsmind book. I had a copy of your first edition 3 years ago, but lent it to someone and it was misplaced! As a 400m runner and someone wanting to generally improve organisational skills I have found your book extremely beneficial. Compared to a number of other books in the 'sports psychology' genre, your book is a good read with easy to follow and effective guidelines for definite performance improvement - a quality book!"

"The session I had with you has produced excellent results! Something seemed to have clicked and my singing voice has miraculously opened up, and I have come a long way in overcoming two of the biggest problems with my singing - relaxing my body, and opening my voice. After the session I also felt less stressed and less worried."

"In Irish Dancing you need the full package of both physical and mental strength. Sportsmind Mental Mastery has now given me the knowledge to take with me on my journey to achieve my personal best. Thanks for the great learning experience."

"Sportsmind Mental Mastery has helped me identify clearly how I operate and how to achieve my dreams. Thanks for the experience."

"Excellent! Easy to follow, well presented, reader friendly."

"The workshops were most successful with member feedback indicating that Jeffrey was well able to adapt theoretical principles into highly practical and user friendly concepts. Attendees walked away with a range of practical tools which they could utilise immediately for their teaching and their own tournament play."

"Fantastic book! We've read it continuously over the past three years and apply and teach many principles from the book as level 2 Lawn Bowls coaches. Great!"

"Mental Mastery is about outfitting yourself with the skills to make your life the best experience possible. This course will ensure you can face the challenges, address them positively, enjoy the experience and master the situations you dream to conquer."

"Mental Mastery is a wonderful course. I started each day looking forward to learning from Jeffrey. I finished each day invigorated by what I had learned."

"Jeffrey, thanks for such a wonderful, enthusiastic and inspiring course. I applied the information personally and professionally straight away and could see and feel the benefits immediately. What a great role model you are!"

"Thankyou for a wonderful coaching course. It was inspiring, fun, enthusiastic and I applied the techniques immediately. Well done!"

"Nelson Mandela said 'Who are we not to be successful, beautiful, talented.' Jeffrey's Coaching Excellence course gives you the techniques and skills to be."

"I highly recommend Sportsmind. As an athlete, coach and trainer with prior experience in NLP it was great to train with Jeffrey. He is an excellent presenter who walks his talk. Impressive."

"Jeffrey is the genuine article. He offers practical performance strategies and techniques that can be applied immediately. I feel as if I've already developed the mindset of a winner - and I had a lot of fun in the process."

"Sportsmind training is professional, relaxed and Jeffrey is easy to listen to. Taking part has been enlightening and enjoyable, and I felt throughout that I and all trainees were fully respected by Jeffrey, and he has the talent and skill to encourage each person to develop the best within themselves. He is well informed in his field of expertise, and I found a complete confidence in his training, and I recommend Sportsmind to anyone who has an interest to develop themselves and their sporting skills."

"Thanks for the books - Commonwealth Games Silver medal, Manchester!"

"Since reading Sportsmind, I have received the best results in my life with less training and fewer injuries."

"Thankyou for the opportunity to be part of a truly amazing experience ... for helping me to see that I can change and overcome my barriers and I look forward to giving more of myself; I now have a source of energy that I can draw on. You have showed me how to use some valuable tools and techniques to develop and grow into a better trainer/coach and person."

"I activated massive momentum, self belief, and cemented creative, unstoppable optimism. Jeffrey's presentation is sound and the workshop handouts deepen the understanding he shares. Learn what 99.9% of sport psychologists and coaches don't know and can't teach you!"

"I've been coaching Netball for over 20 years, and I learned more in the past three days about human behaviour than I thought possible. I recommend Jeffrey's Sportsmind program to all coaches and performers in all sports. If you do not accept this challenge you could be left behind."

"Enjoying you books - very well presented and easy to follow. Can't wait to complete the training manual."

"Your books and tapes and one session with you has restored my power of positive thinking and my confidence in my own ability. It has put me back on track."

"On behalf of Basketball Qld I would like to thank you for your presentation at the inaugural BQ Referees and Coaches Conference. The conference attendees provided very positive responses to your session, and your energetic approach certainly assisted in creating a great day."

"I find the most important aspect of your program is its simplicity; easy to comprehend; practical way it is put together."

I've just read Sportsmind cover to cover .... I enjoyed it immensely!"

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