"Women in Management recommend Jeffrey Hodges as an intelligent, dynamic and motivated facilitator. His delivery was creative, yet focused on the content and aim of providing participants with 'take home' tools, actively involving the audience in developing their skills and understanding of the topic."
Lyn Russell, President WIM, Australian Institute of Management
"Your session on Creating Rapport was very well received by all who attended. The easy to implement strategies for improving the communication skills of our organisation will be of benefit to our staff in the future, and the interactive workshop style of your presentation allowed each participant to walk away with the benefit of greater understanding. I recommend the session to any company or individual wanting to develop more powerful relationships."
Scott Groves, Australasian Training Manager, Niagara Therapy Manufacturing
"Your 4 hour session delivering the 7 steps of SUCCESS was outstanding and a worthwhile investment of time. You have the ability to lead the group in discussion that allows for a free flow of ideas culminating in a clear understanding of what it takes to be truly successful in our personal and business lives. Since your training session 2 weeks ago, many of my team have talked to me about what they are now doing differently and how much better focused they are on achieving sales goals, with the additional spin off of better home lives!! Jeffrey, I would and will recommend you to anyone looking for an edge in running today’s business teams."
Angelique de Jong, National Sales Manager, Alcon Laboratories (Aust) Pty Ltd
"The sporting and corporate performers that I consult to have high expectations, looking for every possible edge available. Jeff's Coaching Excellence program is user-friendly, immediately applicable, scientifically sound and offers specific techniques that produce quick measurable results. My performers have found that edge!"
Gavin Gobby, Corporate Performance Consultant, London, UK